Mantras and Affirmations

Mantras are powerful sequences of words of the highest vibrational quality. The word Mantra comes from two Sanskrit words ‘mana’ which means mind and ‘trai’ which means ‘protect’ . Sanskrit is the ancient sacred language of India, believed to be the oldest language of the world dating back to the 2nd millennium BC. These words handed down through the generations is the foundation of all puja’s, prayers and those seeking simple release from the vagaries of the mind or the deeper desire for enlightenment.
When used over a period of time the energy vibrations of the mantras has a dissolving quality which begins to overtake by diffusing the heavier vibration and thereby raises the practitioner’s vibration at which point the practitioner experiences a distinct change in their state. The experiential quality is one of calmness, peace, energizing and when practiced in accordance and under correct guidance; enlightenment.

Affirmation, means to ‘affirm’ or ‘assert’ as true. It is a confirmation of anything already established. This makes it quite interesting in that it can be any set of words. Positive words which are strengthening in structure will, when affirmed over a period of time begin to have a positive effect on the practitioner and Negative Words over time will begin to have a negative effect with consequent negative behavior leading to negative outcomes.
No word is meaningless or meaning free. Every word carries a weight and by it very nature comes with a consequent vibration.

Peace, Harmony and Success is YOURS


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